3 Steps in Our Awareness Journey

Embarking on ‘awareness work’ around our inner self (our deeply held beliefs, the unconscious bias, the meaning we make of our experiences – just to mention a few opportunities for reflection) and the outer context (our choice of actions, how we show up to the world, the impacts we create – to mention a few others) is a wonderful step towards being able to shift our mindsets and expand our range of possibilities. In so doing we get closer to the outcome we seek to achieve for ourselves, our ‘self-efficacy’.

So if you wonder: How can I expand on this? What comes next? How can I keep myself moving forward? I offer 3 of my own insights and practices – as if we were in a coaching conversation.. 

1 Honor Thyself

Our first duty is towards ourselves: to honor who you are implies being able to accept who you are, that beautiful you. In awareness work we don’t make excuses for ourselves because we learn that all starts with us. While you (re)discover who you are, name it, recognize your real self and be good to that person. Allow that person to be the best she (or he) can be. That is already a lot! We can all do so much by removing our self-imposed limitations..

2 Be Ready to Do the Heavy Lifting

Here’s a shocker: nobody can do the work to take you where you want to be. Only you can. That is your work! Here's an example: You are aware to be a bit envious of what somebody else has done or is. You can turn that sentiment into work toward what you can be. Becoming the best version of ourselves (and knowing what that is) is our hard work. Sitting there in company of your envy requires less effort but what a waste! Is the person a much better communicator than you? What does he do that you can do as well, leaving the imprint of your own signature? What can you commit to do starting now?

3 There Is No Finish Line(*) 

Awareness work, which is change work, is never really done.

Keep a learning agenda: we all are unfinished products, what do you want to work on today?

Surround yourself with a support network. Accept feedback only from those who want the best for you! From everybody else, ask for feedforward: “I want to be a better listener. What can I do?”

Find everyday somebody who inspires you - inspires to action. I suggest somebody close to you. Elon Musk is great, but when is the last time you spoke to him? Look around you for inspiration, and say: “yes, I can do that too!”. Yesterday my uncle came to my home and installed my thermostat. An act of kindness: how many times can I be so kind today?

Finally, keep a journal: even if it is one short line a day. It may become two lines next week. And if not, it doesn’t matter: what’s important is to keep track of your thoughts and see your reflections evolving. In a while, those lines will be the most interesting reading!

(* I borrowed this tag line from a brand we all love...)